Professional Psychotherapy
Training Program
Integral Healing Psychotherapy is an integration of Client Centred Psychotherapy, Bioenergetic Analysis, and Energy Healing. Integrated, they bring the body into the therapeutic process. It is based on the premise that each of us needed a number of things as infants and children that we did not receive. To cope with these pains and traumas, we developed defense mechanisms that became habituated into a character structure. That is, the cells in the body carry the pain and unexpressed emotions, which are frozen into a defensive structure as protection. Our beliefs and ways in which we see the world are distorted through this lens that becomes our neurosis.
The understanding of the development of character structure, defense mechanisms, imprints, transference, countertransference and the process of healing are critical. We emphasize individualized training involving personal growth, cognitive development, and mastery of theory and practice.
Our goal is to graduate competent beginning therapists who practice safe and effective use of self. It is a four-year program with an ongoing evaluation and grading system. The evaluation of a student’s growth is ongoing as is their ability to use the information from the required readings effectively in therapy sessions.
To graduate, students must have completed the following:
80 hours of personal psychotherapy with a registered psychotherapist
Passed the competency exam
Completed all class papers
Completed 30 hours of in-class supervision as therapists
Presented and defended their major thesis to the class and trainers
Integral Healing Centre’s psychotherapy training program in Toronto is composed of three modules:
Module One: Basic Psychotherapy
80 hours over two years*
Required for those who have no psychotherapy training
Module Two: Bioenergetic Psychotherapy
320 hours over four years*
Required for those with no training in bioenergetics
Module Three: Energy Healing
320 hours over four years*
* If prerequisites are met, one or two of the required modules may be waived